Work In Progress

Work In Progress - We're working on it, honest!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Somthing that made the DM squeeee!!!!

As I've stated before I am a huge fan of table top games as much as RPGs. At some point, lost almost in the mists of time, I did here that Privateer Press were branching out into turning their most excellent game - Warmachine - into a console game; well thank you E3 for showing this very promising video of said table top game to computer game (multi-platform to boot)!

Warmachine is an awesome table top game (the rule system blows Warhammer out the water in this geeks opinion). The game is set in its own unique world and is very steam punk, the games are brutal, not that long on playing time and much fun. Good models, good rules, easy referencing for those wishing for something new. Privateer Press is definitely worth a look (for more info check in and have a look-see). Personally I can't wait to see this game when it finally hits the shelves; should be very interesting by the look and feel of this trailer.

This is DM getting back into his monster manuals and away from his models

*ooo Komander Zerkova, no one needs to know of our forbidden love...*