Work In Progress

Work In Progress - We're working on it, honest!

Monday, 28 February 2011

DM: What is to come.

The atmosphere is electric as a hundred or more bodies crammed in around the long house. You force your way to the front, past the drunkards and the reviling spectators until you reach the edge of the fighting pit.

Around the edge you see the patrons: men and women even a few children from a dozen races, from lands beyond those known to you and your kin.

A silence falls as a figure steps into the pit form an unknown entrance. He is clad in the deepest of red robes, his face hidden beneath his cowl.

“Ladies and gentlefolk; creatures form the furthest planes, fey from the woodlands and norscans form beyond the Wulfren!!” a series of cheers go up from the assembled crowd, even you cannot help but smile at the sight and sound, all too soon the hush returns.

“You have come from far and wide to witness the once in a life time fight,” the robed figure’s hands raise pointing to either side of the pit, as he does so gangplanks are lowered revealing the two contenders. “From the seas of Gygax, his forging a mystery champion for many a year, brought once again from retirement, he is the monster crusher, the hide of iron, the scion of the gods - yes that’s right: DRUNG THE HUN!!!”

The crowd roars in excitement the stamping of feet the clashing of flagon upon wood. By cue he emerges – it was quite the sight, this wall of muscle and scars. His body seems heavy cumbersome, the pelts and talismans he wore doing nothing more to than to enhance his appearance! His age was clear that time hadn’t been to kind the network of scarring across his features, his body telling his every fight, every battle, like that of the darkin would wither they’re flesh totems.

“His opponent the upstart from across the wilds to the coldest valley, he has carved his name in blood and now we see him here! The crusher of skulls, the slayer of the fen beast, butcher of Kull: HANGIR THE UNSTOPPABLE!!!” This time the crowd was near deafening as smaller, broad figure came. You could see the strength not only in his muscles, but in his cold eyes, and the strange swirl of tattooed skin. His hands were like troll claws - strong and bigger than a man - still huge but nothing compared to Drung.


The two combatants stare calmly at each other as the crowd move and swell towards bookies and friends, suddenly there’s a voice in your ear “So which is it to be?” You turn seeing a disheveled man, his clothes faded, caring a tray parchment stuck to his front “Drung or Hangir?” he asks. The parchment consists of some kind of code that you’re unsure what it means... “Oh its simple” says the man “it’s naught more than simple code between us bookers: it gives you odds and returns on your investment, ya see?” You nod and consider your options, gold in hand you take one last look at the parchment, trying to will some figure out of the coded odds: AD&D 1st ed. vs. D&D 4th ed.

Dare's Random Word of the Week


Sorry, too much Bleach, I know. ^_^ Damn you Aizen - "You're tearing me apart!"

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Auros - My next target!

Watch out, fan girls and boys - the Twilight Saga is next on my hit list! Be afraid, be VERY afraid!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Auros - Soul Calibur IV Review

I'm going to review a game that has been close to my heart for a long time - Soul Calibur. However this is not just any Soul Calibur, oh no, this is about which is probably weakest title in this outstanding series: Soul Calibur IV.

First off I’d like to say that I LOVE this game – I’ve loved every Soul Calibur game I’ve played. I liked the first one I bought, Soul Calibur III so much that I soon went on to buy Soul Calibur II, and the series’ debut – Soul Blade. They offered smooth and fast paced game play, top notch graphics and character customization. But moreover they utilized and focused on weaponry of all shapes and sizes, rather than the much more traditional unarmed fighting games; something which to me was something I hadn’t really seen that often. They were always adding things to the game play, adding new modes, characters and new options – as well as a face lift, of course. And since I fancy myself a bit of a sword master I just HAD to get these games.

So when I heard about Soul Calibur IV I was over the moon – and then I kinda crashed into the moon and died a little inside when they said it was the final chapter. But now that I have my own little crater on the moon, I know where to run and hide if the game sucked so the rest of me could die. Oh, and to those who are faint of heart, I’m probably gonna be cussing a lot, sorry.

The first thing I found was a picture of Mitsurugi in high-res detail. And after having a pseudo-heart attack at the sight of my favorite character and the thrill of a new game, I saw that the game would feature Yoda. YODA… YODA!?? Of all the characters they chose to make a crossover with they chose STAR WARS!!? What in the fudge has Yoda got to do with anything?? Why is he there? What’s his purpose in the game??

“Yeah, it’s pretty good, but ya know what the Soul Calibur series needs? Fucking STAR WARS characters! That’ll be AWESOME, man!!”

What the fuck people, seriously? You have a game which features swords and axes being pitted against fucking LIGHTSABERS?? I think someone needs a 'reality' check (for those who don’t know - a lightsaber is a futuristic sword capable of cutting though almost anything with ease). This doesn't even begin to make sense. Yoda, Vader and Starkiller can all use lightsabers and THE FORCE (both of which in-game actually suck pretty hard)! But thinking about it conceptually, how the hell would any of the other characters even stand a chance against them? An even besides that, it’s a fighting game that utilizes melee combat in the 16th century – it’s just out of place! Even if you look at it as just a thinly veiled attempt to try and promote The Force Unleashed (a pretty fun game in itself, to be fair), it’s still a giant 'fuck you' to the 4th wall - Sci-Fi characters, in a fantasy game? Seriously, have they started making games just to advertise other games now?? What’s next? Where does this end? Will Kane and Lynch turn up in a fucking Tomb Raider game or something? *Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light* Oh fuck you!! Don’t get me wrong, I’m a monumentally gargantuan fan of the OLDER Star Wars films – they’re quite simply some of my most favorite films ever: great story, great characters and great concepts (and I’ve seen A LOT of films); but in Soul Calibur, what the eff?? All it really boils down to is basically just 3 new characters (with clunky fighting styles which clash with all other Soul Calibur styles) who I suck with. Lame…

I suppose it's about time I tore my eyes away from the cover art and actually play the game!

Loading up the game and watching the cut scene I wondered what would be different in this game, what would be added this time, and will it suck harder than Reb Brown films? Well the cinematic was, as with every Soul Calibur cheesy, yet awesome – it’s a kind of guilty pleasure to watch. Seeing some of the characters in high-res detail was awesome, also the introduction of some of the new characters, like Hilde - a red-head who uses a short sword and a lance fighting against Ms. Bondage-- I mean Ivy! Yeah, Ivy...!

DM: Ivy's boobs - the REAL reason we buy a Soul Calibur game!

And *sigh* Yoda... fighting against Astaroth. And of course having the series 2 main characters 'fighting' each other - Siegfried (the hero - wielding Soul Calibur - the good sword) and Nightmare (the villain - wielding Soul Edge - the evil sword).

After talking my eyes of the mesmerizing start menu I saw they obviously had the modes that have to be there – the incoherent nonsensical   non-canon story modes which appear in every ‘story’ mode in fighting games. Here’s something I don’t get – why does the story mode always have to be like that? Seriously, there’s a different ending for each character (which in themselves are short, dissatisfying, samey and lame) where their journey was supposed to end. Here’s my problem – its non-canon every time. I don’t think I’m really ++SPOILERS++ err, spoiling anything when I say that in one way or another you find and fight some guy the story writers kinda pulled out of their ass - Algol, and you get one or both swords (Soul Edge and Soul Calibur) and your character chooses to take them, destroy or seal them. Here’s my problem: almost every character does this. They almost always reach the same conclusion. So… who really wins? What really happens, and who gets the greatest and most powerful magic swords in the world (which aren’t really any better than any of the other ultimate weapons in-game)? Not all fighting games do this though; some of them are almost decent, like Tekken gives you more unique ending sequences, whether it’s Paul riding off on his motorcycle or Law failing to cook. Yes they may too be quite disappointing and turn out to be pointless to the overall plot - but at least they don't fucking contradict themselves! In Soul Calibur they thought of a good plot and a good story then bent it over a table and butt-fucked it until it became so convoluted and splintered that there’s no real point to it. They even added a flow chart explaining the character’s motivations and some of their history because they didn't put the story in the fucking story mode!! It’s what I like to call ‘the story that could have been’.

All the story mode really is that you select a character, you get some confusing little text intro and then it’s just a series of 5 stages, wherein there will only be 3 cut scenes – 2 of which will appear with any other characters you play as. The only difference in the character stories is that you get a different sense of annoyance and disappointment with the different endings, which like I said blows monkey scrots.

Then there’s the Tower of Souls mode, where you can choose to go up or down and you fight a series of enemies who are drastically overpowered. But see there’s the thing – that’s all it is - just 60 levels of seemingly endless enemies who get more and more impossible as ya go!! And that’s just going up! Going down is kinda the same except you don’t get a break; they’ll just keep coming ‘til you die.  To put all this in perspective: imagine you are standing on a bridge - to your left is a tank, to your right is Superman, below you is a Mortal Kombat spike pit and as you look up the entire Japanese Air Force is about to bombard the SHIT out of you - here's a shitty sword, good luck, asshole...! There’s no story or even any real reward at the end of it all – it’s just another lazy-ass mode you might go on if you decide you want to hang yourself on your own controller with the wire. Only you can’t even do THAT anymore BECAUSE THE CONTROLLERS ARE FUCKING WIRELESS!! Soul Calibur IV even denies your attempted suicide when you inevitably get so frustrated and bored with the Tower of Souls.

In Soul Calibur III there was an entire coherent campaign where you make a character and take him or her through an awesome war story. There were 20 levels where it played out almost like a simplified R.T.S. where you could enter Soul Calibur style fights if you so chose when you encounter an enemy squad. Hell, even in Soul Calibur II and Soul Blade there was a campaign with a coherent story; which is why I think the Tower of Souls - just a ball-bustingly annoying extended gauntlet of enemies - is pretty fucking boring.

And of course it wouldn't be a modern fucking game without an online play mode; and... It DOES have an online mode. But there is a SLIGHT problem: IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!! Honest to God, folks - it's unplayable. The lag is so terrible that commands I input either doesn't register and my character does the exact opposite of help, or they just stand there like a complete dumb-ass and I quickly become someone's kebab. The timing, skill, tactics and practice with your character goes flying out the window and it turns into a luck-fest. It almost feels like the game SOMETIMES decides to let you win. Is the game really too complicated to run on its own servers? It can't be as complex a game as, say, a First Person Shooter game online, can it?? Movement is restricted to the 8-Way Run system seen in every fighting game. I dunno - I don't get it, folks.

There’s the return of the character creation mode too – where like in Soul Calibur III I had endless fun. Seriously, I would spend fucking hours on this mode just to get my character JUST right *twitch*. Some parts in this have been expanded on: you can now change whether you’re good, evil, an asshole or a douche at will, and even the pitch of your character’s voice. In Soul Calibur III you’re clothing was what determined this. You’re CLOTHING determined whether you were good or evil, WHAT THE FUCK??


We were seriously meant to believe that every last item of clothing was blessed, cursed or pissed on? Well anyway, thankfully they got rid of that. Instead each item of clothing has skill points attributed to it – like how much health, attack, defense and skill points it gave. How a T-Shirt can make someone healthier is beyond me, but I digress. Each weapon works the same way as well – the magical abilities of the weapon are no longer fixed, but still have a fixed number of attribute points it gives you. What all this amounts to is that you get to tailor your character’s abilities a little better than before; which I must say made sense to me – but I liked the previous weapon setup too. Here are my problems: because your appearance now matters in the story mode, Tower of Souls mode and versus mode you still have to make a choice: do I wanna look awesome and be a total fart in the wind, or do I wanna look like monster from Power Rangers and win more? I dunno it’s up to the player I guess. And the attribute points don’t really make sense or match the item of clothing either. All in all, in order to have a character which is any good you probably won’t look like how you wanna look. Thinking about it, the character customization is pretty limited, especially when compared to the Smackdown game series.

There is also much less weapons in the game. In Soul Calibur III you could use everyone’s fighting styles, as well as an entire new armory’s worth of weapons, each weapon’s style being different. I think there were still more weapons in Soul Calibur II and Soul Blade. Aren’t you supposed to, you know, ADD STUFF to your sequels?? Has anyone else noticed this in gaming lately? Some games can be completed in 4 hours now - like Kane and Lynch 2 and The Force Unleashed 2. At most games only tend to last about 8 hours, though. See here's the thing - are games really worth the money anymore? You can pick up any given DVD for about £5 - and that's usually about 2 hours of entertainment, whereas you have to pay £40 for 8 hours of entertainment with gaming?

So what about the game play itself? It seems like the creators were focusing on that, right? The other modes have ended up being pretty disappointing – so clearly they were banking on the game play to carry you though, and to hold re-play value.

Well they have added a few new features, some of which aren’t really new features, even within the Soul Calibur series. First one is the Soul Gauge system – defining how healthy your character's soul is. Basically if you block too much your soul will ‘break’, allowing your opponent to do a critical finishing move to win the round instantly. Some of these moves ARE pretty cool, but you can almost predict what they’d do anyways and some of the characters even have the same finisher, like Rock and Astaroth! Okay, yes it is very satisfying to do this – but the thing is as soon as you get close to doing it your opponent will suddenly grow some balls and go Super Saiyan or something screaming “DENIED!!” Seriously – more often than not I’ll get close to owning the fucker and the junk-face will suddenly start to make me look like some kind of decoration; despite me owning them to that point in the first place – what the hell??? Moreover your opponent is usually nearly dead anyway, so odds are you won’t get the chance. Sometimes it’s almost like the computer doesn’t want to give me the satisfaction of punching it in the soul - I wonder why…

It’s kind of reminiscent of Soul Blade, where along with your health bar; below it you also have your weapon’s health bar. Hell yeah – you could disarm the fucker’s sword and he or she can disarm yours and you actually start to fist fight – THAT IS FREAKIN’ AWESOME! Even if your sword gets snapped it won’t stop you from trying to annihilate the bastard for daring to fight back and breaking your best pointy stick. It adds another layer of thinking to your strategy, making it more interesting (and in a way, realistic) – you’ve gotta think: can I block another big hit? If you get disarmed you get the feeling that you’re in trouble. But in Soul Calibur IV you know you probably won’t get the critical finish and you know that your opponent probably won’t either. There’s no real sense of urgency or worry if you’re Soul Gauge is low, or even if it breaks; because not only do you have to be beyond precise with the input to DO the move (finding the Higgs Boson would require less precision), but odds are you’ll get the Soul Crush mid-combo; meaning you automatically lose your chance, because the prompt is so fast and sudden you’d already be in mid swing with a follow up attack which probably won't kill them  - which snaps them right out of it and they're fine! BULL SHIT!!

Another feature worth mentioning is switching; whereby if there is more than one member in your team (which only happens in the story and Tower of Souls mode). You can push a button to swap to the other fighter – who will SLOWLY recover lost health when they’re tagged out. Thing is you can’t tag as much as you want because there’s a gauge that empties when you make a tag – which is only good for three tags – what the fuck is that shit? Why can’t I just tag as often as I want? What the fuck is my other guy doing?? Do ya think it’s like in GTA where they run off and find a prostitute? It’d explain his or her health recovering when they’re on the bench…

Another thing they've added to the game is a three-tiered equipment system. If a particular zone of a character is attacked enough (low, middle and high zones) that area of their attire will break or get ruined. With the pre-rendered standard characters this look really cool, making them look like they actually are in a fight to the death. However, where this falls flat on its face is with the created characters. Instead of making the clothing on that plain look torn or battered - it simply disappears. Yeah - put time and effort into making your character look like a fucking bad-ass and suddenly they're just in their underwear.

"I am the all-mighty Auros! FEAR MY SHINEY PANTILOONS!!"

Dignity - WHAT'S THAT!!??

As for the character list - there are 33 standard/unlockable playable characters in the game - with 50 slots available for either modifying pre-made characters or creating your own characters. The possibility of being able to play with a roster of 83 characters is pretty damn impressive.

But that’s more or less it. That’s all that they’ve done to it – given it a face lift, sucked out some of the awesome modes and replaced them with shitty ones and added some features to the game play which aren’t new, innovative or amazing to the fighting game genre. It’s very disappointing everything considered… but I still love it! Like the Soul Caliburs and Soul Blade before it I will play it to literal death – as in I’ll play it so much I’ll fry the disc (and yet another part of my will die inside). My addiction to them will demand that I play them to the end of time, no matter how much convoluted bullshit they spew out of their anuses. It might just be another beat ‘em up now, with Star Wars characters in it for franchise and profit reasons, but its Soul Calibur.

But look, if I keep poking at everything that sucked or didn’t make sense you’d probably die of boredom and inappropriate use of pen lids. On the most part – it’s fun! The series always has been fun, and probably always will be. THAT’S how I think a game should be judged, not by whether it’s buggy or stupid but by how much fun you had when you played it! Games can be art, sure; and games can be of a high standard - but if it doesn’t appeal to you and isn’t immersive or fun, you won’t play it, no matter how good the graphics look, or how well the game play works. People love to say  ‘gaming isn’t as good now’ probably because of nostalgia - and the fact that their 10 year old kid just beat them into submission on Modern Warfare 2 - which I suppose is partially true – but if a game is simpler, there is less than can go wrong (well, I SAY that)... Unless the creators are like, chimps or something… who are high… from snorting bananas…

Dare: Hey Auros, have you heard the rumors the makers of Tekken are thinking of making a farewell to the franchise: Soul Calibur V?

Auros: Gotta go, catch you guys later. Thanks folks!

Dare: Oh bananas... ^_^

Dare be working.

Starship Troopers 4 will be CG and based on the animated series. Awesome, cant wait.

Traveller 5: A Space Odyssey

+++Incoming Transmission+++

The SS Tempora, Captain Firu residing, commencing recording star date 2294356, 3rd Millennium...

Out of the many editions of Traveller throughout the years I've only managed to happen upon its 5th incarnation - the first edition being published in 1977, long before I was even born; but however the Traveller series has remained a cornerstone of role playing games.

Granted, these days there's an RPG for pretty much any universe and any sci-fi setting (including Dr. Who, Warhammer 40,000, Firefly, Star Wars, Star Trek... the list goes on). However Traveller has a one advantage: it is a true generic sci-fi setting.

From the initial reading of the pocket edition of the handbook (a great re-working of the original system) very little background details are given: you have the 3rd Imperium, you have ships, you have guns and BY THE WAY there's aliens... enjoy!

Todd: First off we did have a slight issue - i.e. he's got the pocket edition, so the character sheets are a bit small, but thankfully Mongoose publishing took the Traveller system to a new dimension.

DM: No pun there.

Todd: Oh yeah... anyway they have given the player and game master alike more than enough resource background information than you can shake a PDF at!

DM: So a quick bit of printing and we're off and ready to go... you see in theory you cant argue with a game that simply requires 2D6 forever - nothing more! And trust me, when you've needed 8D4 3D10 and D8 just to calculate how much damage your 9th level monk is doing. 2D6 seems like a god send (okay, I'm exaggerating the dice, its 2 3-12 damage per hand).

Todd:... may I?

DM: If you must, character creation then?

Todd: Yeah, pretty much where I was going with this...
*ahem* Character creation: never have we and our little group had such a infuriatingly long-winded, most hysterical character creation ever! It is a thing of awesomeness!

DM: And strangely enough the only character creation where you can die.

Todd: True, damn ageing rolls!

DM: But yes, initial stats over or under a certain number equals a modifier (2D6 plus modifier)! In role playing terms the simplest system in the world.

Todd: However, rather than the classic race (although it is available we've just never bothered) and with the classes in Traveller, you roll to see what job you get, then roll to see what happens, then roll to advance, roll to change etc.

DM: Granted we've found the process slows everything down something evil - especially when you've only got one book, but the varied results are memorable.

Todd: Yeah that's true, so far we've had Dare and his character being kicked out of every military organisation including the police forces within his 2nd term.
And Babs who's Dr lost an eye after a psyonics experiment, who simply decided to go into space piracy afterwards, and soon generally became known for waving a cutlass around! ><

DM: I've managed to organise a few games, thanks to the rule book's near endless tables for rolling upon: ships, planetary politics, law levels, stocks and shares and even entire star system generators. The resources available are invaluable; however I have found sometimes its better to take a few things with a pinch of salt, especially on the system creator; but with such a generic setting, its not hard to adapt traveller for any situation or setting.

Todd: That's all very well and good, but bar character creation game play is almost sterile. Granted it can go very silly very quickly, or super serious. The only problem being unless your DM or players have a clear idea of what sort of game you're playing its basically a stock market game - move this to there get cash, try and keep ship costs down.

DM: Especially when it is entirely possible to start with a fleet of ships.

Todd: Yeah, you never let us have that one. :( Mind you 5 ships with one character, that is like WTF?

DM: But with a bit of careful planning, I think if you know what your group expects form the RPG... hell, go for it. If not even as a DM you can be left floundering.

Todd: So Star Trek style?

DM: Okay, can I be Scotty?

Dare: I claim red shirt!!

In summary:-
Rules: Easy to learn, although swamped with modifiers, I found couple of reads and it becomes second nature.
Game: Creation excellent, the ability to make in-depth worlds is extraordinary.
Playability: Good, quick and easy although not ideal for games on the fly.

+++Transmission Ends+++

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The DM speaks.

You find yourselves in a darkened room, a circular library of sorts. Amongst the the cluttered tables, between the shelves you see a hearth; the fire warming and comforting - its dancing flame illuminating a robed figure.
He beckons you to a seat, looking up form his work he speaks to you...

DM: Greetings. It occurs to me as I sit here, high in my tower surrounded by my many tomes and scrolls of power, perhaps I will endeavour to review these many things.

Dare: That's nice... needs more boobs!

DM: No...

Although in the spirit of fairness, I have recruited the help of a willing mind slave-- err, player - known as Todd. With our collected INT (intelligence) score and good few dice rolls, we shall review our passion for role playing games!

Up coming reviews:-
AD&D vs. D&D 4th ed.
Dark Heresy
Traveller 5
Judge Dredd
Call of Cthulhu
WHFRP (Warhammer Fantasy Role Playing)

So, with no further ado, we will set about play testing, dice rolling and no doubt many lengthy, nearly endless debates... off we go!!!

Dare: To the dungeons with you!!!

Monday, 21 February 2011

Calling all Bleach fans!!

To those who are intregued, find out what kind of Zanpaktou sword you'd likely wield! Feel free to post your results in the comments section!

Judge Auros

Metal Judge Auros: Epic Chin Action

What Dare does in his spare time.

Yeah, something like this. =)

MORE Motivation!!

Dare's Random Word of the Week!

Yatzeebra... That is all.

Motivation, motivation!


I feel somewhat inclined to give a shout-out to those who have inspired us to commence this site of silliness and pointlessness.

DM: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH...!! What? Not that kind of shout out?? Oh....

We'd like to thank Spoony, from The Spoony Experiment and the Nostalgia Critic from That Guy With The Glasses. We tuned into them and loved them so much we've become critics ourselves!

If you haven't already we'd highly recommend you visit their sites too - they've had us QUITE LITERALLY wetting ourselves; so go check 'em out...! Now.

An introduction - God help you all.

Howdy, folks! I'm Auros!
The name's Rick Smith - don't bother wearing it out, 'cause it already has been!

Something about me... well I guess I come across as odd at times, though this is probably because I AM odd. I'll be adding various thoughts and reviews and such onto the site - probably nothing too specific, at least not right now.

You'll soon all learn how bat-shit crazy my friends and I really are.

AH at last i have control!! well briefly at least, we are legion well kinda if we were military organisation or....yeah perception check...i fail.
my name the great DM firu or just the DM (dungeon master,rule keeper, keeper of forbidden lore and obscure rules)
originally my drunken brain child work in progress,our simple aim  to emanate the many reviewers ranters and other web induced nutters. plus we all like to complain,rant and generally share our opinions through out the known world......well within our flats at least

our third major contributor a Mr Dare had this to say after a lengthy text based conversation
DM: mr Dare what shall we put down for our little initial introduction
Mr Dare: ifmmp
DM: okay.......

There may be others who will i have no doubt share, we will keep you posted (DM if they pass int test with -20 modifyer vs there charisma)

Greetings, mortals!!

Welcome to Work In Progress -- IN 3D!!! (Though, kinda not...)

Come visit for silliness and for a few geeks ranting in a geeky kind of way. I hope you'll all be as entertained as we will be! :P (Yes, we DO have FAR too much time on our hands)!